Across the River and into the Trees
It made him feel as a wound does that you think
you cannot bear Ernest
Hemingway, Across the River and into
the Trees
There is something of war in Partition and illegal immigration.
Not only is it rooted in an artificial dismembering, that makes little sense to
the ordinary people affected by it, they go on to write their own narrative.
This is a story written by ordinary people, independent of
the pundits. It rides, not on one horse, like a motive, but on a herd of
conceptual horses.
The border problems of Bangladeshis infiltrating into India,
disowned, if returned, by their own government; and that of Mexico, and
Mexicans sneaking into America, are not very different.
Or for that matter, the Syrians, that are desperately
fleeing into Europe. In that sense, there is a certain universality about it,
war as a catalyst, and economics as a slow-burn, quite apart from the sinister
uses such immigration can be put to when infiltrated by inimical forces.
Bangladeshis and Mexicans, principally cross the border,
illegally, because, impoverished and illiterate as they are, they have no other
way to do so. And the simple motive- to make a better life for themselves, even
if it is as a construction worker, a domestic servant, or a prostitute.
That these people are
used by politicians, on the other side, to create vote banks, and by terrorists
as human cover/shields, indeed even by their own governments, to ease a chronic
lack of opportunities; is another story altogether.
But, at the core, on our Eastern borders, it is a human
problem of migration, based on an economically unviable partition, and the
commonality of a shared sub-continental ethos. This, of course, is compounded, both
when bilateral relationships deteriorate, and also when they get better - as at
There were already 30,84, 826 Bangladeshis in India per the
2001 census, albeit not all of them illegal, or they wouldn’t readily own up.
Nothing is written on the matter in the 2011 census, updated to 2013. It is as
if the question wasn’t asked because the government did not want to know.
But yes, there are lakhs of people on the electoral rolls of
the Eastern border states, with, “D” for doubtful, written next to their names, when it comes to the
authenticity of their Indian citizenship.
Attempts to update the National Register of Citizens (NCR)
have been on since 2005. This, to determine which is which, has proved to be a
gargantuan and easily stymied task.
Any one of 14, none too secure documents, can be used to lay
claim to citizenship. These include a bank/post office account, or an LIC
policy document in one’s name, amongst more onerous ones like a copy of the NRC
1951 showing one’s name, or that of an acceptable ancestor, or one’s name on
the electoral roll up to 1971. It is no wonder that the grand sounding NRC, is
seen to be just a method to legitimise lakhs of illegal immigrants.
Inevitably therefore, the NRC process has led to multiple political
protests, especially from the original and indigenous population in the Eastern
border states. Voices have been raised however, both for and against the
procedure, and court interventions have been made, inevitably, all the way up
to the Supreme Court (SC).
The SC has tried to institute a time-frame for the
completion of the exercise, which accordingly, was meant to have been concluded
by January 2016. Of course, nothing of the sort has happened.
The former three-time chief minister of Assam, Tarun Gogoi,
laid some stock by the NRC exercise, and many think of course that he would,
because the Congress is widely perceived to have aided and abetted illegal
Bangladeshi immigration to bolster their Muslim vote banks.
This tacit immigration policy, though below the radar, led
to periodic clashes with the native Assamese, including the infamous Nellie
massacre of 1993, and the bloody ethnic riots of recent times.
There are Muslim majority districts, in most, if not all,
the border states, where dramatic demographic changes have taken place in
recent years.
The deterioration in the demographic situation fraught with
multiple implications, was a big feature of the recently concluded assembly
elections 2016 in Assam. Congress lost it convincingly, partially due to
anti-incumbency and dynasty politics alright; but also because of encouraging
rampant Bangladeshi illegal immigration through a long and porous border.
While the Assam border with Bangladesh is only about 350 km
long the entire border touching our Eastern states is 4,100 km long.
And there are similar
echoes and rumblings emanating from Tripura and Meghalaya as well, though the
ruling TMC in West Bengal has clearly benefited electorally from its patronage
of Bangladeshi immigrants.
However, there too, communal clashes in the border areas
like the North 24 Parganas, and Malda, are increasing in number and
This is partly
because in the wake of the needy immigrants, there is a caravan train of
professionalised terrorists, smugglers of counterfeit currency, human
traffickers, particularly of young women, bomb-makers and political seditionists,
some with affiliations with the Pakistani ISI, Chinese agent provocateurs,
Maoists, other insurrectionists aiming at the North Eastern states, and ‘non-state
The smuggling is an organised business too, and covers
in-demand Indian bicycles and cows - herded across to beef-eating Bangladesh,
as well as gold, silver, drugs, and betel nut, coming the other way, into
India. All this cannot happen without organised collusion of the authorities on
both sides.
The overall current
day problem however, has a long trail, embedded in the Partition. Not counting
the Hindu exodus into West Bengal from East Pakistan in 1947, and its prelude,
when the two nation theory gained traction - the seeds of the present influx of
Bangladeshi Muslims flooding in, has its
near genesis in the creation of Bangladesh on 24th March, 1971. Some
10 million Muslim refugees swarmed into West Bengal almost overnight.
The first gush were war-time refugees, whom we could
scarcely turn away, having been instrumental in the liberation of their country,
earning the undying hatred of Pakistan in the process.
But the subsequent waves were economic refugees and
fugitives. With illegal and constant reinforcements - 91,000 per annum between 1981-1991, per the
sober assessment of Samir Guha Roy of the
Indian Statistical Institute.
However, despite Guha Roy’s estimates, there are no thorough
tallies of illegal Bangaldeshi infiltration even to date. When Maharashtra
threw out what they called Bangladeshis, many turned out to be desi
Bengalis, both Hindu and Muslim, from West Bengal, instead.
That is not to minimise the problem however.Journalist
Indrani Roy, writing in November 2014, cites a single festive night in 2011,
when an estimated 100,000 Bangladeshis came into India, from Khulna in
Bangladesh, to Taki- across the Icchamati River.
It was Vijaya Dashami (Dassera), the last night of the Durga
Puja. Traditionally, the idols were immersed in the middle of the Icchamati
from decades before the Partition. But since this planned and massive breach of
security, taking advantage of the festive crowds on hand, the practice has now
been discontinued.
The recent signing of the Land Boundary Agreement by the
Modi and Hasina governments, and the exchange of various hamlets that were in
positions of adverse possession, has also helped reduce the infiltration.
And now, in redemption of an election pledge, the tight
fencing of the entire Assam border and the strengthening of other vulnerable
points along other contiguous states plagued by the same problem will also help.
But, as the 85,000 BSF men who guard the border say, you
need smart fencing, cameras, motion sensors, tamper-proof alarm systems, to cope.
Of course, if there are millions of Bangladeshi Muslims who
have come into India, enough to cause communal riots and demographic shifts in
certain places, it has happened with massive political collusion, mostly on the
part of successive Congress/UPA and Left governments in all the affected
But once in the country, the immigrants have made bold to travel
all over in search of livelihood. There are significant numbers of Bangladeshis
to be found in New Delhi, Jaipur, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Trivandrum,
and so on, in addition to the border states and their capitals.
Most of whom have
crossed over have acquired documentation - passports, Aadhar, Election, PAN and
ration cards. These are often under assumed names and addresses. Many have
bought property.
Muslim men and women are often seen posing as Hindus, given away only by
slight differences in their use of the Bengali language. But others claim NRC
style original inhabitant status, as they brandish their documents.
Along with impoverished illegal immigrants, often aided and
abetted by BSF personnel and area politicians, there are terrorists, moles and
sleeper cells, trained in Bangladesh and Pakistan and even China. These
dangerous characters too have streamed in via Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya and
West Bengal. Most recently they were identified as responsible for the
Bardhaman (Burdwan) bomb factories and accidental blasts.
However, the ruling TMC is unwilling to crack down, mindful
of its solid support amongst nearly 30% of the West Bengal population who are
Muslims. This includes large contingents
from Bangladesh.
Prime Minister Modi made campaign pledges in 2013-14, that
he would identify, and send back, illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. But, in practice,
this is difficult to do, and stoutly opposed by, amongst others, Mamata Banerjee
in West Bengal.
Besides friendly Bangladesh is not willing to accept them as
illegal cross-overs either. We can secure the border to curb the menace, but
will probably have to live with all, except those who stay on after their visas
For: The Sunday Guardian
(1,594 words)
July 1st, 2016
Gautam Mukherjee
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