First Non-Nudie Playboy Still Stands For
Progress, Freedom & Exploration
For the global Indian, and which internet and
satellite TV accessing Indian is not, Playboy magazine, its other merchandise,
its rabbit logo, oddly enough, still resonates. It is like a fond blast from
the past, classy, albeit from a different ethos and time, with rare and hard
won imported goodies, well before even television came to this country.
Given our various cultural reservations and
differences from the West, we still do not have an Indian edition of Playboy
permitted on our shores. This quite unlike
so many other internationally well-known publications that have become
ubiquitous by their presence. And nobody goes censoring skimpily clad women in
those with a black marker, like they do in certain other places, thank God!
Nevertheless, the new Playboy, minus its nudes, may well present a winning
franchise proposition, and no objection from the authorities, alongside the
likes of Vogue India etc.
The news of this change was announced, to some
consternation from its older fans, last October. Playboy magazine, in its
non-nudie avatar has now hit the stands. It has been relaunched, with its March
2016 issue, designed to appeal to the social media generation, and cross-over
into the public space, from the erstwhile private enjoyment of its dwindling
number of fans. And this launch has taken place, on both sides of the Atlantic,
and around the liberal globe.
This move however, has also been dreamt up by the
iconic 89 year old, silk-pajama wearing founder Hugh Hefner himself. Hefner originally
launched Playboy, in 1953, with the artistically presented nude as a
progressive statement. Hefner wanted to promote the joy and enjoyment of human
sexuality, way back in the straight-laced but baby-boomer fifties, post the
harrowing WWII, but pre the advent of Elvis Presley and the Cadillac El Dorado.
Amongst the very first to be featured, on the
centrefold, in December 1953,was the legendary Marilyn Monroe. Later, there was
Anita Ekberg in 1956, Sophia Loren in
1957, Raquel Welch in December 1979,
Nastassia Kinski in May 1983, Madonna in September 1985, Farrah Fawcett, not
yet Majors, in December 1995, Naomi Campbell in December 1999- to remember just
a few of the wondrous women who graced the magazine.
Playboy quickly became an institution. It was, as
its advertisers well knew, also very much about lifestyle shaping and sophistication;
food, drink, cars, clothes, yachts and speedboats. It was about art and artists
such as Salvador Dali, Frederico Fellini, Helmut Newton, Andy Warhol, whose
sensuous works were published.
There were legendary photographers who worked with
the beautiful models in highly creative settings-Richard Fegley, Pompeo Posar, David
Chan, producing meticulous work. The
Playboy pages had many landmark interviews, articles, book excerpts.
There were fabulous artwork cartoons by great
graphic artists such as Shel Silverstein, John Dempsey, Jules Feiffer, Phil
Interlandi, Gahan Wilson; each with their distinctive style. And the whole
package was presented to the highest printing standards, in a sumptuous and
glossy format.
The remodelled, no nudes Playboy 2016, targets a
much younger demographic of between 18 to 24 years of age, featuring, for its
first cover, a 20 year old Instagram and
Snapchat model Sarah McDaniel, whose eyes naturally glow in different colours-
a condition called heterochromia iridium.
After a straight run of 62 years, there will be no
more plastic surgery enhanced and artfully lit/retouched nudes. The January/February
2016 issue was the very last to feature centrespreads of Pamela Anderson,
familiar to Indian audiences from the Baywatch
Playboy, at its zenith in 1972, sold 7.2 million
copies every month. This, even as opinion was divided on whether people, mostly
men, bought it for its nudes or its articles, though probably, it was for both.
Some may remember the highly religious Jimmy Carter was
the first presidential candidate who gave a candid interview to Playboy during
his winning campaign. There was a detailed insight of an interview with John
Lennon that became a bestseller as a Playboy book, after the beloved rock star
was tragically assassinated.
Even now, Playboy still sells a respectable 800,000
copies, given that most people, including those from this part of the world,
read expensive international magazines for free, or pay modest subscriptions to
do so, on the Internet.
Current Playboy CEO Hugh Flanders, who took over the
magazine, the legacy publishing business,
gambling, hospitality, and merchandising empire from Hefner’s daughter Christie
in 2009; expects to continue selling at least 600,000 copies a month going forward.
But if the revamped website with a four-fold
increase in traffic, 16 million unique users of an average age of 30, down from
45 years, 20% of them women, is anything
to go by; then the non-nudie magazine may also experience a hefty second
It isn’t as if there are to be no pictures of women
in the new Playboy, but they are, and are going to be, more au naturel, influenced
by the selfie phenomenon, and will use the allure of artful concealment.
The March issue has the sex column being written by
a woman. The overall vibe is that of a new erotic that is still committed to
the Playboy rubric of progress, freedom and exploration. It features
an interview with MSNBC anchor
Rachel Maddow. She will be seen a lot on
TV screens around the world explaining the progress of the presidential
election of 2016, from the ongoing primaries, to the eventual win in November. Maddow
apparently came on board only after being told the nudes were gone.
Other Playboy hallmarks, a piece on politics, an essay by the American
Psycho author Bret Easton Ellis, an excerpt from another book, are all
going forward intact.
This Playboy can be carried without embarrassment
into the workplace anywhere. And since the revamp, it is expected to attract a
new generation of advertisers too. There will be, say Playboy executives, ‘More
money for the Bunny’.
The Playboy bunnies are not being dropped. They will
continue to enhance the magazine’s glamour quotient, in their tights, ears,collars and
tails, but just no longer be featured in the absolute nude.
That Playboy has decided to reinvent itself yet
again, when many of its once- upon- a-time competitors have closed down, is a
testament to its more durable formula. Playboy was always sensual, but never
excessively focused on raw sex appeal.
And, observers from the digital space now think the ‘dressed
up’ Playboy with a young pitch, will find a force multiplier on social media as
For: Swarajyamag
(1,069 words)
February 11th, 2016
Gautam Mukherjee
I gave it my full endorsement, and I'm glad I did.