Bad Wolves & Red Riding Hoods
good thing about the Indian Me Too movement, kindled at long last, despite a seeming rape and murder every other minute
somewhere in the country, is that it will empower women/men, and some others
At the top of this whole conundrum is the issue of
attempted force, as in pressure exerted by powerful people, or actual
manhandling, and the lack of consent from the object of their desires. This is
indeed valid. Anyone who wants to play Romeo or Juliet should have a willing
subject. And have the grace to accept no as no.
In the post article 377, post triple-talaq world, Me Too
seems like a logical development and progression. It will empower potential or
actual “victims of predators”, at least in the work place. This, as people -
owners, promoters, officials, politicians, take care to have their HR
departments properly address sexual harassment, and put out suitably stern
missives on expected behaviour. And it is already kicking quite a few
expendable movie directors and sundry others out of their jobs.
The bad thing about it, mediafest included/notwithstanding,
is that it floats like inedible Hyacinth and its cousins, atop our highly
polluted rivers.
The dirty rivers
being a living metaphor for the Indian people, and their ways, including, in
its embrace, the masses, and not just the classes. And the inedible Hyacinth
is, of course, the desi Me Too movement.
In mass-market Bharat, niceties like sexual harassment are
just foreplay for rape and murder - for the dead tell no tales, except, that
is, to the forensic experts.
In urban work places, there are actually men and women who
evidently enjoy using their power to demand sexual favours, without too much
emphasis on the actual sex. Though, all accounts point to the fact that they
get very peeved if they are not granted said favours.
It probably is not really about sexual gratification at
all. Certainly, not in a two-way street sort of manner. It is more like a white
collar version of “honour stalking”.
If it was about sex down and dirty, it might be altogether
better for these well-heeled people to take a quick trip to Bangkok, Dubai or
London, and pay for it, short-time, long-time, with or without adoration
included - with no resultant fallout, and no strings attached.
But what prompts the high and mighty to want to play “house”
and “doctor-doctor” right in the office, is one for the shrinks.
Hollywood stars, caught receiving gratification in parked
cars in Beverly Hills, have said they prefer prostitutes to dates. It is, they
have said, a lot less complicated and far less expensive. It certainly cannot
lead to long-term relationships, at least in the usual sense, and therefore no
aggravated damages/alimony when it goes south. It also does not, unless caught
out by police torches, alert wives and girlfriends parked elsewhere.
Nevertheless, the global Me Too movement and its desi
chapter has added a raspberry to the statute of limitations clause that save
even tax dodgers.
Instead, it is au
fait to remember being molested, harassed or raped, if not all of the
above, ten, twenty or more years later, and demand retributive compensation
with a straight, if tearful face. And so, almost anybody can be trashed at will,
and every person in the public eye is vulnerable. If you think about it, a
blameless existence is no insurance against a perceived transgression. An
accused person is expected to deny wrong doing is he or she not? But, who can
assuage the alleged victim’s hurt if not the polluted State?
The entire issue smacks of a probity that neither the
Indian people nor the Americans or their developed world compatriots across the
Atlantic possess. Ask a priest or godman for a view these days, here or there,
and he looks away in guilty embarrassment. Compared to the washing of dirty
linen in public Me Too entails, the invasiveness of Aadhar is like a love tap.
And how will allegations stand up in a court of law that
generally revels in incontrovertible proof, and lets murderers off if there is
Or will sexual harassment and rape, in our post-modern jurisprudence,
be decided on the victim’s accusation and recollection of doings and sayings
decades ago? Will it be thought sufficient and good enough to punish the
On the other hand, perhaps it won’t come to that. Involving
the police with FIRs, is not the same as involving the judiciary over several
years if not decades afresh.
Isn’t dragging people
through the mud of calumny enjoyable enough after all? Ruining a reputation
with salacious allegations, true or otherwise, is certainly hilarious till
someone commits suicide over it. People have done so over less. Or more. Ask
any real rape victim. And the probable moral clincher if one is at all bothered
about morality. Why was it tolerable then and not so now?
What kind of defence is it that is being trotted out over
the media? Sample a few of the statements - I didn’t have the courage to out
the predator days or months after it happened, but am doing so now because
people in America have made it alright? At the time, I was focused on getting
ahead in my career, which my “monster-predator” was in a position to advance. I
took the benefits, trading my integrity if not my virtue at the time, but now I
cannot let a day go by without naming the wolf in the paddock of my desirable
Is it gender insensitive and patriarchal to trash this
fraudulent nonsense? Victims- men, women and people of other genders are not
going to be trusted if they employ such tactics. Even Harvey Weinstein is about
to get off stock free for lack of proof. So when will our urban warriors for
gender equality try to earn their place in the sun by dint of their merit,
instead of trying to bring down people they happily took favours from in their
misspent youth?
Many women and men who do not use their sexuality to get
ahead in the work place are left behind by those who have no compunction in
doing so. This includes, of course, the not so good looking, and older people
who may be very competent at their jobs, if nowhere near as sexually
In the age of television and the internet it is evident
that the Me Too complainers, almost without exception, would theoretically have
no problem trading on their competence today if not their looks. That most are
unemployed and alone is telling and not without irony.
It is nobody’s case that progress on gender equality,
gender pay etc. usually takes a tortuous route through such back alleys. And
perhaps in years to come, the Me Too movement, here and elsewhere, will seem as
quaint and droll as Suffragettes chaining themselves to the railings at
Westminster to demand voting rights for women.
Of course, the other implication, unintended perhaps, is
that anything goes, as long as it is not in the workplace, does not involve a
powerful predator playing wolf and a victim wearing Red Riding’s hood, or in
all the fun places and events related to work offsites. And this goes double for
All this legitimate if tiresome fuss might make the art of
making a pass a thing of the past in the work place. Who knows before-hand,
except for clairvoyance, whether Jack or Jill actually wants to take a walk up
the hill?
12th, 2018
My Nation